Saturday, February 23, 2013

L'Oreal Magic BB Cream

I recently tried out L'Oreal's new Magic BB Cream! I used to fair tone because I'm pretty pale. The BB Cream blends to your skin tone and evens out and covers up pretty much everything - it's the perfect primer! I uploaded some pictures so you can see how easily it blends to my skin tone.

You don't need much for your face! I normally use a tad more than this. As you can see, the cream is a lot paler than my skin! But once you start to rub it in it blends almost instantly!

Of course, there's not much that needs to be covered up on the back of my hand - but you can see how well the BB cream blends! It's definitely a product I'll continue to use even after I run out of this bottle!! 

*(I received a complimentary product from SheSpeaks/L'Oréal to facilitate this review!)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

MorningStar Recipe


Just tried MorningStar Farms original burgers with my roommate - I'm impressed! I've never tried a veggie burger before, but I expected them to taste, well....fake! These were actually really tasty, and as long as they're not too expensive, I'd love to continue buying them in the future. 

A typical box of MorningStar Farms burgers has four burgers in it, and my roommate and I ate two of the four tonight. This weekend we're going to try something new and use these as meat for a meat sauce for pasta! We're having a stay-in day on Saturday (12-18 inches of snow expected!) so we're pretty excited to try a new pasta recipe! 

*(I received a coupon for a free MorningStar product for my review through BzzAgent!)