Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Dark Monk Review


I just finished The Dark Monk last night! Such an amazing book. I wasn't quite as hooked onto The Dark Monk as I was to The Hangman's Daughter, but I truely enjoyed both! I can't wait for the third book to be published! Anyway, so here's my review!

The Dark Monk, like The Hangman's Daughter, is a dark novel surrounding the mysteries of a small German town. In The Dark Monk, a local priest is found murdered by poison. His sister arrives into town shortly after, and the chase begins. The priest was killed because of his discovery of an ancient relic, and it's the job of his sister, the hangman and his daughter, and the young medicus to find out why.

In addition, the novel progresses through many small towns and monasteries, and the author has included his recollections of his trips to these locations. It's a neat addition that isn't normally seen in many books, and I really enjoyed learning some of the actual history of the locations visited in the story!

Overall The Dark Monk is a great read, and based off of the sneak peek into the next book, I'm sure I'll fall in love with that too!!

  *(I received a free copy of The Dark Monk for my review through BzzAgent!)